2 min read

Spirit World Realities

Spirit World Realities

There are evil spirits that work against us, otherwise we would not have the gift of discernment of spirits listed in 1st Corinthians 12:10 given by God. We need to know who is working against us in Satan's kingdom to destroy God's plans. It's Satan's plan for us to have broken relationships with God, other people and even our own self.

Paul said that we're not fighting against people, but against evil spirits as listed in Ephesians 6:12. But what are we doing? We forget this or don't even realize even though we have heard this Scripture so often. We speak against people. We curse them when we speak against people. We need to learn how to effectively fight against Satan's kingdom, not people or ourself.

In this lesson I teach on spirit world realities. At the end I lead everyone in a prayer to break Satan's curses off of us and lead us closer to Jesus. Don't miss the prayer at the end. You will want to pray this at the end.

Demons are fallen angels. The question we need to ask ourselves is, "Am I going to agree with an evil spirit or not". There's 2 kingdoms at work in world, the body of Christ and the body of sin. Satan is the leader of the body of sin.

If you're going to resist Satan's kingdom, you'll need to ask God to give you discernment to repent of the spirit in your life, and then tell the spirit that's creating havoc, "I don't agree with you!" "Get away from me!" You'll then have to actively turn away from it.

In our meetings we help people to turn over every area in their lives to Jesus in full surrender. At the end of our teachings and corporate prayer, we listen to people and their problems/needs they need help with. We then ask to Jesus to give us discernment and lead us in the right direction to help everyone. We use the Bible and work through removing legal rights evil spirits have had access to us through sin and iniquity working to steal, destroy, and kill us.

After we have gone through repenting, forgiving, and removing areas Satan has had access to us, we ask Jesus to help us as we use Jesus' name and authority to command evil spirits to leave us and our family. We command healing. We pray for the gift of the Holy Ghost to fill people for the first time and to fill us again for those that have received this gift. We actively give people truth about Acts 2:38 and Mark 16. We see Jesus do miracles as people forgive and pray for their enemies to turn to Jesus. We see pain instantly leave people as Jesus' spirit and His angels destroy decades of curses and evil spirits. We believe that when we are praying God is working.

If you need prayer in an area, come out for prayer. Receive help in repenting, forgiveness, baptism, healing, receiving the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues, have evil spirits leave, sicknesses and diseases removed. Receive prayer and encouragement and guidance from God together as the body of Christ. Jesus is still doing miracles and Mark 16 is for everyone that believes and walks in that belief. Come and be transformed in Jesus.