7 min read

Prayer and Deliverance

Prayer and Deliverance

In this video I pray and command evil spirits to leave you in Jesus name. If you can, consider fasting a meal or even more. It is something you can do to be more humble before God. Make sure you have watched and done the activity at the end of the 1st video and 2nd videos before watching this video.

We are going to go into deliverance.

If you have not watched the 1st and 2nd videos and done the activities thoroughly at the end of each one, do not proceed to this video.

This video is only if you have gone through the 1st video and 2nd with the activities at the end of the videos.

Warning! If you have not repented of all your sin & forgiven everyone in your life & are unwilling to make restitution where applicable, you are not to proceed! If you continue, you proceed based on your own faith in the word of God & the personal presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

You must have repented of ALL your sin with tears & deep sincerity. 


You must hate your sin & run from un-forgiveness, anger, bitterness, fornication & pride.

Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Luke 14:33 - So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

You must be willing to give the Lord everything you have & make a complete surrender of your life to Him, without reservation.  YOU CANNOT HOLD BACK.

Caution Caution! If you experience violent shaking, severe cramping, frightening visions, loud voices or have material objects move or fall in the room, DISCONTINUE your prayer time & seek assistance with someone you trust & has experience expelling evil spirits.

Under no circumstances will you hold any representative of Mark16 responsible for any kind of benefit or detriment you may experience during or as a result of this process. You understand no monies are to be paid to Mark16 for this service. We do not charge fees for God's benefits.

Matthew 10:8 - Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received give.

Next what we are going to do is self-deliverance. You’re simply going to tell many evil things to leave us. The greek word for spirit is Pneuma which simply means a breathe. It is just like how Jesus describes the Holy Spirit. You can’t see the Holy Spirit, but you can see the effects of it just like the wind.

When you or a deliverance worker tells evil spirits to leave you, just be open to all evil spirits leaving you. Many times there can be spirits there in us that we do not realize we have.

When a worker or after you command the different evil spirits to leave, stop praying anything with your voice. Stop praying in tongues for a moment for spirits to leave you. This is very important. Spirits will probably not come out if you are praying with your voice. Demons usually exit through your mouth, not always, but usually through the mouth.

Start to command them to leave in your head as I verbally command them to leave. Breathe out through your mouth a few times forcefully without breathing too fast. We don’t want anyone to hyperventilate.

You may have various manifestations as the evil spirits are commanded to leave you. Don’t worry about it. When there is a manifestation, it shows us that God is working to deliver us. Do not be embarrassed by anything. God loves you and He wants you to be free.

This is a safe place and everyone needs to be delivered from things. There is no judgement against yourself and others. This is important if we are to see God deliver us. If you need more assistance after prayer time, contact us or a worker to help you.

PRAYER by Minister/worker of Deliverance: Father, in the name of Jesus I come to you. I ask and pray the following conditions against the evil spirits:

* Cut off their reinforcements and communication.

* Put confusion on the evil spirits.

* Stop any hindrances to our healing and deliverance.

* All evil spirits that leave us, need to go straight to Jesus and be forbidden from coming back.

* All evil spirits would be blocked from transferring.

* Keep us and our families safe from retaliation.

* All evil spirits connected in a group that I call out or that You want to go, Lord, must leave us.

Satan, we bind and come against all principalities, powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, strongman, and princes.

In Jesus name, all evil spirits inside or outside of everyone present, over and in this church right now, over this city, state, nation and world, in Hell or out of Hell.

The Bible says, ‘Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. You are subject to us.’ 

We intend to exercise that power to set ourselves free. Satan, we come against you by the power and blood of Jesus Christ, by the Word of God, by the name of Jesus, by the authority of the believer, in the unity of our spirits. Satan, we tell you that we sit in heavenly places with our Christ Jesus.

We are over you and your evil spirits.

We bind every power that you have and loose ourselves from you in the name of Jesus. 

Lord Jesus, we ask that You would send the gifts of the Holy Spirit as needed to minister to the needs of the people and to accomplish what You want done here. We are careful to give You all the glory, honor, praise and credit for everything that is said or done.

We ask all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Master, and Savior. Amen!

Ok, now everyone just focus on Jesus’ blood and His perfect power removing evil spirits from you.

You need to hate everyone of these evil spirits. Have faith that Jesus is going to set you free. He loves you and is going to help everyone. No more praying with your mouth after you tell them to go. After you tell the spirits to leave verbally, then tell these spirits in your head to go. Breathe these spirits out as the deliverance worker or you command the evil spirits to go.


Rejection, fear of rejection,

Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, ought, offense, political demons of all kinds

Disappointment, disappointment with God, hatred of God, defeat

Strife, sedition, debate, arguing, rebellion, disobedience, blame, accusation, yelling, Anger, rage, road rage, hatred, temper, violence, vengeance, retaliation, murder, murder with the tongue

Fear, anxiety, worry, concern, panic attacks, sadness, depression, loneliness, horror, dread, paranoia, social anxiety, separation anxiety, suicide, phobic fears, fears of: of man, of abuse, of problem with kids or spouse, of future, of heights, of spiders, of snakes, of the dark, any other type of fear come out!

Unloving spirits, self-rejection, self-hatred, guilt, shame, condemnation,

Jealousy, envy, competition, sibling rivalry,

Profanity, sarcasm, discrimination, racism

Insomnia, restlessness,

PTSD, trauma, replay spirits, mind control

Rock and roll, rhythm, beat, all evil spirits of specific music artists

False Comfort and Addiction of all kinds, Addiction to: sugar, social media, movies, hobbies, sports, video games, food, caffeine, Tylenol, Advil, pain medicine, nicotine, alcohol and the names of the specific drinks, Marijuana, cocaine, drugs, pharmakia, sorcery,

Obsession, ocd, bi-polar, schizophrenia, dyslexia, autism, learning disabilities,

Anti-Christ, 666, satanism

Pain (Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), torment, anguish,

Jezebel, control, domination,

Gossip, slander, back biting, complaining, criticism,

Self-righteous, judgement, religious spirits, legalism, false tongues, false prophecy, false visions, false dreams, veneration, worship, and praying to mary, worship and praying to saints, cult spirits

Spirits of and spirits that came in as a result of: New age, positive thinking, mindfulness, Yoga, acupuncture, reflexology, crystals, chiropractor, leviathan

All spirits of occultism and witchcraft, pyschics, palm reading, in video games, in movies, in literature such as Harry Potter, Walt Disney, Pokemon, Dungeons and Dragons, and other similar occultic genres, ouija board, 8-ball

Ahab, lethargy, passivity, no motivation,

Selfishness, self-will, pride, idolatry of all kinds, idolatry of: sports, hobbies, and work, materialism, worldliness

Lust, Perversion, gender confusion, every spirit connecting with gender confusion, fornication, succubi, incubi, perverse dreams, pornography, vanity, Delilah spirits, prostitution, harlotry, adultery spirits, marriage wreaking spirits, spirit spouses, masturbation

Miscarriages, infertility, abortion, pelvic floor pain, period problems, spirits

Autoimmune diseases of all kinds -

Infirmity and the fear of infirmity, cancer, diabetes, cardiac arrest and heart attacks, back pain, accident spirits, cysts, fibroids, tumors, hair loss and baldness, epilepsy, hearing loss, blindness, deaf and dumb spirits, genetic diseases of all kinds, spirits that came through surgery or curses of doctors and nurses.

Sealing the Deliverance: Lord Jesus, I ask that you seal this deliverance and close the doors to every spirit we have been set free from.

Put every evil spirit that did not leave into a black box chained and bound to an angel reading Scripture out against the evil spirit weakening it, with the glory of the Lord in the box, and the blood of Jesus in it.

Lord, we pray that every evil spirit will not be allowed to communicate with other spirits or manifest and that when the time is right for more deliverance you will set us free from these prisoners of war.

I also ask that every part of everyone's soul, will, mind, and emotions that were fragmented by Satan’s kingdom would be put back and restored by You, Lord. (Isaiah 61:1-4)

We ask that you would give us a hunger for your righteousness from Matthew 5:6 and to fill every void and space where evil spirits were with the fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:19.

Now, Lord, we praise you and give You all the glory for this time of freedom.

I ask Lord you would confirm what you have done here in the coming days and weeks with many testimonies of deliverance, healing, and miracles.

Renew the excitement and joy we had in You when we first believed on You. Watch over and keep us and our families safe.

Let this be just the beginning as you break strongholds in our lives.

Continue to show us more areas we can be free from evil spirits.

Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.