Our Story


Who We Are

We are everyday people looking to fulfill the great commission in Mark 16. We are growing into what Jesus wants us to be as we are learning together in God's love, peace, unity, and faith. 

What We Do

We reach out to other people to share the gospel of Jesus so they can also be real followers / disciples of Jesus. We are in community. It's ok for church to be messy as life is messy. We don't want to be superficial.

What's Different

We are focused on building other house churches not one mega church. In a world of AI, fake Christianity, millionaire preachers full of greed and lust, we need more. We need authenticity in Jesus together. 

A Tiny Part of Our Story

In church, but no power

No faith, no power
Growing up in church my whole life, I knew Jesus but wasn't fully living for Him. Despite my consistent ministry involvement, I never saw miracles. When a church leader prayed for my dad, who was dying from cancer, his faithless prayer left me disheartened. Another time, I sought prayer for my back but wasn't healed, leaving me questioning the absence of miracles in church.

Losing hope

Where's Jesus' miracles
Curiosity led me to seek testimonies of people who experienced miracles in church, and I found some people doing what was in the Bible. Unbeknownst to me, my wife was praying for my deeper commitment to Jesus. As I discovered more stories of healing in Jesus' name, my desire for God's work in my life grew.

Perfect storm

Anger, criticism, & no purpose
Despite my growing desire for God, I struggled with anger and a empty, purposelessness future. My first marriage ended due to these issues, and I feared a repeat. Seeking help, I received reassurance that all men deal with anger and an encouraging prayer from a church leader, but my anger persisted. Again there was no solution in the church.

More understanding

Jesus Delivers
Later, while witnessing some miracles, I realized not everyone I prayed for was being healed. Seeking answers, I contacted a ministry about a family member's anger and was told I needed deliverance from spirits of anger. Initially resistant, I eventually realized I needed help. My wife and I began commanding evil spirits to leave us, resulting in significant improvements in our marriage and family. We're excited to see others healed and set free from what hurts them.

Expanding the vision...

Since that time we have helped others with their need to be set free. God is still helping myself and my family to be set free, as He helps us, we are helping others to also be set free from sickness and Satan's kingdom. But God did not just call us to be praying for healing and deliverance for people, but he also called us to preach the gospel of Jesus to others, to baptize in His name for the remission of sins, and to pray for people to be filled with the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. 

Where we are headed...

We are going to help others to do the same thing so it is an exponential kingdom of God growing by multiplication.  So God called us for a couple of years before we decided to finally listen to him about starting a church. But not just a church, a network of house churches. So with the Lord Jesus as the builder, we working to see His kingdom grow.