
This Week’s Plan [10 minutes]

Let’s look at what we’ll be doing this week.

  1. Bible Reading: Read John 1–7 (1 chapter per day).
    Optional Additional Reading: Matthew 1–14 (usually 2 daily chapters).
  2. Prayer: Use the Lord’s Prayer as a simple guide for daily prayers (see Matthew 6:9–13). Do not simply repeat the Lord's prayer. It's not a mantra.
  3. Scripture Meditation: Meditate on 1 John 1:5–9 (at least 5 minutes daily).

  1. Mark16 Podcasts - Listen to two messages this week:
  1. Ministry Assignments - Do the following this week:
  • Obey what Jesus taught us through His Word.
  • Encourage the others in your group to stay on track with their checklist.

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to Mark 16 Mission! When we finish this first group meeting, you’ll understand exactly how this discipleship group works.

In this group meeting we’ll do four things:

  1. Watch the "Orientation" video to learn how Jesus Discipleship works.
  2. Read, re-tell, and discuss a Bible passage.
  3. Read and discuss a true "Hero of the Faith" story and pray.
  4. Review the plan for the week.
    Let’s have someone open in prayer and start with the Bible passage.

Open in Prayer

Play on a large screen, if possible, to improve viewing.

Bible Passage [15–20 minutes]

Read John 3:16–21.

Let someone re-tell the passage in their own words (others can help fill in the details if anything is missing).

Discuss the following four questions:

  1. What does this passage teach us about God?
  2. What does it teach us about people?
  3. What is Jesus teaching us to do (from this passage)?
  4. How will we obey Him this week?

True Hero of the Faith Story [5–10 minutes]

Someone read the below story aloud.

“When Ercan Sengul committed his life to Christ in the Muslim nation of Turkey, some saw it as turning his back on his heritage and nation. When he said that he would do anything for God, he had meant it then. But what about now?

Ercan sat in a dark, dank prison cell surrounded by cellmates. He had been arrested by local police who said that he'd "insulted Islam" by distributing books for a Christian publisher.

Ercan cried out to God, begging to be rescued. He knew he'd done nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be there. God whispered to Ercan's heart, "You said you'd do anything for me. Did you mean it?"

Broken before God, Ercan wept and worshipped. He told God in his heart, "I really meant it." Ercan began to preach three hours each day in prison. He learned that God allowed him to be imprisoned to give him a new mission field! Ercan was in jail for thirty days until witnesses admitted that police had pressured them to sign statements, and the judge found no evidence of any crime.

The arrest has furthered Ercan's witness. Since his release, many who shared his cell have visited his church, asking about the God who gave him peace while locked in prison. Ercan still joyfully gives out Christian books, knowing he could be arrested.”

Discussion question: What can we learn from this story?

Pray (aloud), asking God:

  • Please protect followers of Jesus around the world.
  • Please help us to be strong and follow Jesus.

Preview Next Week’s Group Meeting

We’ll let each person share

  • Something you learned this week
  • The status of your Week One Checklist
  • Whether or not you completed your Ministry Assignments

Once everyone is clear about “This Week’s Plan,” close in prayer asking God to help each person follow Jesus this week.