About Mark 16 Mission

Mark 16 Mission Church

What? - Bible, Discipleship, Equipping, Baptisms, Prayer, Healing, Deliverance
When? - Every Sunday at 10am
Where? - At our house church in Anaheim, California.
Phone? - Call or text us at: 714-406-3236
Or contact us for more info. with this form

Welcome to our ministry website. We're just a regular family learning to be disciples of Jesus. We are experiencing His love, provision, and guidance everyday. If you would like to experience God's perfect love as well as be part of building God's kingdom, contact us. We're located in Anaheim, California. We want to help others everywhere do what God has called all of us to do in Mark 16:15-20. But it starts with us completely turning our lives over to Jesus and being obedient as found in Acts 2:37-41. We want our lives to look more and more like what it looks like in Acts.

If you need breakthrough in your life, we have found that the first step to freedom is to be in Jesus as the Bible says, and to have a good strong foundation in Jesus as His disciple with other disciples growing together. This involves being made strong spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically. If you don't have a circle of strong safe friends that love you and are helping you to be a follower/disciple of Jesus, then you will not succeed. You need to have regular time with people full of love and strength in Jesus. You need a dynamic place to experience, grow, and practice what is in the Bible with other believers in Jesus.

John 15:5 - I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

If you need peace, in your life and you don't have a good group of friends that are disciples of Jesus helping you along the way, I encourage you to come join us as we follow what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus, doing what His followers did in the Book of Acts, fulfilling the Great Commission.

If you deal with problems such as: emptiness, depression, lust, anger, sickness, addictions, and others, Jesus wants to set you free. But this can only occur when you start the process of surrendering your life over to Him completely and correctly. Contact us to start a life of freedom away from the bondage of Satan's kingdom.

Mark 16 Mission is a group of believers looking to reach and evangelize our cities through small house churches also known as micro-churches. We were not meant to be simply consumer Christians, but rather, we were meant to do the will of God and to live life abundantly just like we see in John 10:10 and Mark 16.

God has called every person to preach the Gospel of the good news, be baptized in Jesus name as well as to baptize other believers, to be filled with the Holy Ghost and speak in new tongues, to cast out demons, and to pray for people that are sick and for them to be recovered.